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POVLAB is a full 3D graphic modeller,which models 3D objects for the photo-realistic © povteam Persistence Of Vision Raytracer (POV-Ray). Look below for power...

Bug report questionnaire
    Here a form where you can report bugs you've perhaps founded in POVLAB.
    Please take your time and try to be as much concise as possible.
    Bad requests and answers that can be founded in the FAQ will be ignored.
    Be sure you have read them before asking.
    This service is available only for debugging.
Person who need help
    Your full name (required)

    Email addess (required)

Povlab configuration
    Povlab version (precise)

    Path where Povlab is installed ?

    Do you use the virtual memory (default) ?

    Pattern for interface

    Interface resolution

    Buttons on right

    Number of objects

    Number of light sources

POV-Ray configuration
    Path where POV-Ray is installed ?

    POV-Ray Version

Your computer
    Cpu Type

    Cpu label

    Cpu clock in mhz

    Computer bios manufacturer

    Free space on hard disk in Mo

    Available ram

    Graphics board manufacturer

    Available video ram

    Vesa version

    Mouse manufacturer

    Mouse driver version

Computer environnment
    POVLAB runs under

    Is POVLAB directory in the path

    Resident softwares (one per line)

Detailed description of problem
    Please explain clearly what happends.
    Non comprehensible explanations will be returned.

Detailed step-by-step procedure to reproduce the bug
    Please explain clearly step-by-step how to reproduce the error.
    Non comprehensible explanations will be returned.

You can put some banners and logos on your website if you want to link to this site and support future POVLAB development.
